When Art Feels Frivolous

One of the artists that I mentor in Visual Artist Accelerator confessed to me that she sometimes feels like her art is frivolous, especially when compared to critically serious world events. She sometimes wonders, “What’s the use of creating?”

I’ve entertained those thoughts before and I bet you have, too. But if the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that creating is ESSENTIAL! It’s part of staying in motion as a human being.

We artists feel like complete crap when we don’t create! It’s part of our aliveness, and it’s what we need to do to cope with today’s world. We’re at our best when we’re creating and tapping into our highest selves.

And it’s not about the end result—rather, it’s about the ACT of creating.

When we hear an inner voice asking, “Am I frivolous? Is my work frivolous?,” we need to identify it as the voice of self-doubt. It’s fear! I’ve heard this inner voice just like you have—and I’m living in defiance of that damn doubt, and I’m encouraging all artists to do the same.

Fear of frivolousness prevents you from:

  • Making your work

  • Sharing your process

  • Finishing art to sell, and

  • Making a business from your art.

I can’t convince you that your work isn’t frivolous—YOU need to convince yourself of this.

Identify an adjective that is the opposite of frivolous. Essential? Useful? Critical? Powerful? Once you’ve selected a word that speaks to you, create a visual reminder to yourself and place it in your studio: My work is essential! Read it to yourself every day and allow yourself to feel it in your body. Contact me and let me know how you would finish this sentence: “My work is …!”

Annamieka Davidson