A few of my favorite things this year

What a year it’s been.

One of the things I look forward to at the end of the year is reading the "favorite things" round-ups that several people I follow share. I shared my own version of a round-up a couple of years ago and had so much fun that I've decided to do it again! 

I had a baby this year, as you might have heard. So a lot of the reading, listening, and learning I've been doing has to do with her.  Have you heard of Caspar Babypants? He's a sensation. He's like this generations "Raffi." I had never heard of him before this year of my life but his music now stuck in my head on repeat. Luckily it's cute and funny! But, I will spare you the baby stuff recommendations for now. Let's focus on art.

As I opened a fresh google doc to write my "favorite things" article this year, I discovered that I had actually started one for you last year - and never sent it!  What a blur that was, being pregnant. So a few things on this list might be a little outdated, but I still love this stuff just as much. It doesn't have to be current to be my favorite!

One note: none of these recommendations are sponsored.  I included one affiliate link, for the "Skimm" email newsletter, which is free to sign up for anyway and I think you should because it's awesome. Suffice to say, I am gushing about stuff I love. 

Definitely Make the List:
Greta Thunberg 
I have immense admiration and respect for Greta, and her talks move me to tears every time she speaks. She was basically an unknown, solo protestor with a hand-painted sign a year ago, and now she's the forefront of the entire climate change movement. Talk about the power of speaking your truth. I'm especially moved by her climate change Ted Talk, and her "How Dare You?" speech in September.

Art supplies: 
Acryla Gouache
Buttery, yummy, all the words I have for these paints have something to do with delicious. I promise you that I do not eat them, but they are that divine. The BEST color range of any paints I have found. I want allllllllll of them. 

Pitt Pens by Faber Castell
These are such tried-and-true standbys I don't know why I didn't have them in the round up last time. I love the super tiny XS size for drawing fine detail. 

Good Kisser by Lake Street Dive (official music video)
Oh man, Lake Street Dive. We saw them play at Pickathon here in Oregon a few years ago and I've loved them ever since. This song is one of those that just plays in my head on repeat, the chorus is so good.  Plus this video is the cutest!

Shook Twins Stay Wild  Laurie and Katelyn Shook are the coolest! Known for their style of "quirky folk" featuring a banjo and the kind of evocative harmonies perhaps only twins can create, this new song is a departure into a more chilled-out, groovy style. I love it. Plus!!! My dear friend Kristen Mico made the music video. Which is rad. And was filmed right here in Portland. So watch it, please. You're welcome. 

The Daily Skimm Email Newsletter  
A succinct, and often witty, daily summary of the news. Proudly written by women.  They keep me informed without being overly sensational, which, as a person who feels things deeply, I appreciate. Plus, they always have links to longer-form articles where I can learn more about a topic or brush up on the history of the situation unfolding. An excellent resource.

Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, on Netflix or Youtube 
Hasan is a professional stand-up comedian, and this show he has created is gold. He tackles one giant topic in each show and he's not afraid to talk about things that are controversial. Think of it like a multi-faceted, fast-paced Ted talk written by people who are actually funny. 

Becoming by Michelle Obama
You have got to listen to this one as an audiobook because Michelle has the most reassuring voice in the world. I listened to this book in one weekend because I just wanted to "go hang out with Michelle" and listen to her tell stories from her phenomenal life. She's the coolest. 

Over the Top by Jonathan Van Ness
Oof, honey. Talk about getting real. Jonathan astonishes me with superhero levels of bravery, dignity, and self-love. It has not been an easy journey to get here, and you'll learn why in the pages of this memoir.  

Comedy Sex God by Pete Holmes
I like things written by comedians. Can you tell?!
Pete's story took us from his ultra-conservative faith-based upbringing to searching for God through other means and eventually hanging out with the one and only Ram Dass. I didn't even realize you could hang out with Ram Dass, and I am pretty sure this is as close as I'll ever get but it was kind of great to go there with him and also revisit a lot of the spiritual principles learned along the way. 

SO so very excited about this movie, coming Summer 2020  I can not love Lin-Manuel Miranda more and just watching the trailer gets me PUMPED.

Other Miscellaneous Stuff:
This article by Chuck Wendig 25 reasons to keep making stuff

Slippers, spendy but pure happiness on my feet and have held up very well over time I think mine are 3 years old and I'm just thinking of replacing the inserts now; the slippers themselves are in great shape. 

This banana made the news this year in the art world, and here’s why

And that's the whole round-up!  Yippee! 

Tell me, what are some of your favorite things? Books, movies, podcasts, bands, art supplies, artists, or even your favorite pair of slippers? 

Hit "reply" and tell me all about 'em - I would totally love to know! 

Annamieka Davidson