Are You Master of Your Morning?


Tell me about your morning.

Were you feeling frazzled, rushing around to get ready and feeling overwhelmed? Did you waste time by getting sucked into the news, emails, or social media? Were you so busy tending to the needs of others that you came last?

Or did you take a few minutes to get centered? Did you wake up to find gifts from your past self from the night before, such as pre-cut fruit for your cereal and your coffee and clothing ready to go? Did you perform a morning ritual or begin the day with self care, such as movement or prayer? Perhaps you even began the day with a win by accomplishing a small goal.

As a busy mom and businessperson, I know all about the morning scramble. I’m no stranger to the siren song of social media for breakfast. And all too often, I curse my past self for not doing some kind of planning on my current self’s behalf!

But as time goes on, I have taken greater control of my mornings, and I’ve reaped the benefits. I’ve made choices like:

  • Setting an alarm for super early, so I can accomplish some business tasks before my daughter wakes up

  • Arranging for another caretaker to do morning care for my child so I can join Skye intentionally later in the day

  • Turning off my phone notifications until I have spent time offline, creating rather than consuming

  • Holding myself accountable to my list of goals and tasks early in the day, when my energy and resolve are strongest.

These steps have made all the difference! I feel so much better in every way when I harness my mornings and bend them to my will. Later in the day, I can be fully present in other tasks and joys.

How about you? What methods do you use to optimize your day? Is it all about the evening rather than the morning for you? I’d love it if you would email me and share your thoughts and tips with me!


This week, I had the honor doing an Instagram takeover for the Carve Out Time for Art account! You see, I do have to carve out time to make my own art. As a mother and business owner and mentor, I am way too busy. Aren’t we all? You can see the full series of posts sharing my story as an artist from when I started 9 years ago, to my early days teaching in my studio, to teaching Wild Wonder and starting Let's Go Deep, to my committed embrace of being an artist mentor, ending with a few reflections on where I am today. My story is all there and I'd love to hear your "carve time out for art" story. Email me and let me hear it!

Annamieka Davidson