The story of becoming a teaching artist!

Thank you so much for coming to my "dress rehearsal" Wednesday! I had so much fun! You helped me to transform fear into love and nervousness into excitement! It was so good to see you all and learn about you and your art practice! You have re-rooted me into my why and why I do what I do.

As promised, I'm sharing the Zoom recording and the Color Theory handout for you to keep forever! You can watch the recording or just listen, podcast style. Feel free to print out the handout, it's packed full of details from the Let's Go Deep Color Theory lesson. And feel free to share this page if you know someone who might enjoy Color Theory or Let's Go Deep!

I want to do another session like this soon, is there any topic you’d like me to talk about? If you have something in mind, just contact me and let me know! I’d love to hear what you are wanting to learn!

Download and print the Color Theory Student Handout.

Video Recording

Audio Recording

Chat File

Thank You!